Tutume — The Department of Wildlife and National Parks has been bowsing water to fill up water ponds for wild animals since October last year, as some were already dying of thirst.
This came as a result of the dry spell, which has hit many parts of the country and some in Tutume sub-district, particularly at the areas of Sepako and Manxotae. Tutume sub-district council chairperson, Mr Ishmael Mokgethi, said this at the ongoing full council meeting.
The council chairperson noted that such an action was the only option to address the drastic situation and control the human-wildlife conflict often reported in those areas.
He added that there has been high mortality of buffaloes and elephants with a record of 15 and 26 respectively, while at the same time there were human injuries reported at Xarakajoo cattle post around Sepako area, where a resident was attacked by a thirsty buffalo in search of water.
Cllr Mokgethi thus informed the House that four seven tone trucks, two of which are from privately owned companies were engaged to deliver water to Mmadinoga and Manxotae water ponds as a way of addressing the situation.
Furthermore, the chairperson added that two solar panel boreholes were also introduced and equipped in Ngwasha CT2, while preparations are ongoing to drill two more boreholes around Dzibanana pond and at Semataphiri in order to contain and restrain movements of elephants and other water dependent species like hippopotamus and buffaloes found in those areas.
Meanwhile, he highlighted that a total of 412 reports of damages were received arising from 274 incidents caused by elephants, 17 by leopards, 91 by lions, 13 by hyenas and as well as 13 by wild dogs.
He noted that the current amount owed for cases attracting compensation from the reports stands at about P482 000 and he nonetheless noted that whenever funds are available, payments will be made.
On other issues, he informed the House that the dry spell did not only affect wildlife but the crop production as well as the heat wave has led to many of the plants wilting.
He said compared to last year’s ploughing season, this year a total of 8 000 hectors is estimated to have been planted by about 1 700 farmers as compared to 15 000 hectors, which was done by 35 00 farmers.