Dear Interested Parties,
The United States Agency for International Development in Vietnam (USAID/Vietnam) intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a five year, combating wildlife trafficking project. USAID intends to use full and open competition for this procurement and to release the solicitation within the next 30 days.
The purpose of the future solicitation will be to reduce the pressure of wildlife crime on endangered and threatened species. The objectives of the program will be to reduce consumer demand for and consumption of illegal wildlife and wildlife products, strengthen wildlife law enforcement and prosecution, and improve and harmonize the legal framework for wildlife crime.
Except for the above, no additional information regarding this planned RFP is available at this time. All necessary information will be supplied at the time the RFP is posted at Questions/requests for information will not be responded to until RFP issuance. Interested parties are advised to periodically monitor the above website and solicitation number for updates concerning this procurement. No proposals for funding should be submitted until after the RFP is issued.
Prospective Offerors are advised that this procurement is subject to internal USAID approvals and the availability of funds. This is NOT an Invitation for Bid (IFB) or a Request for Proposals (RFP) and in no way obligates the US Government to issue an RFP/IFB and/or award a contract. This notice satisfies the synopsis requirement in FAR 5.2.