In man-elephant conflict in Sundargarh forest division, 18 jumbos have lost their life during the last four years whereas 26 persons were killed during the period. Against this backdrop, Sundargarh forest division is now planning to start solar fencing in Telijor village to prevent elephant attack and also set up awareness camps to prevent elephant attack. Sources said in Hemgiri, Ujalpur, Lepripada, Gopalpur, Hemgiri and Bargaon forest range under Sundargarh forest division and in Balishankara block, there is a high rate of elephant attack cases. In the elephant attack cases during 2011-15, 26 persons and 18 elephants have lost their lives. Similarly, in elephant attack, apart from huge loss in those areas, more than 50 persons were injured. In the elephant attack between 2011 and 2015, 18 families of death victim have got their compensation.
26 persons, 18 jumbos killed in 4 years (India)