David’s Church Wedding, and Sapache Mountain


Laura Keating, International Intern

Date Published

Well, it’s my last week here in Samburu. I’m getting sentimental already, and trying to absorb every last bit of what I experience. In addition to our usual elephant outings with Shifra, we had two special extra’s happening this week – last Saturday David and his wife Rose had their church wedding (they had a traditional wedding many years ago as well), and yesterday we climbed a mountain!

It was so lovely of David and Rose to invite us to their church wedding. It was a real cultural experience – I loved every minute of it. Weddings are always fun, but this one was especially lively. The entire day was filled with singing and dancing and celebration. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Climbing Sapache was also a real treat! Sapache is a sacred mountain in Samburu culture, and local people often climb it to pray at the top. I can certainly understand why – the views from the summit were breathtaking.