Elephant attack on rise: Woman mauled to death, houses damaged (Sundargarh District, India)



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Sundargarh: In  yet another  elephant attack, was violently mauled to death by an elephant in Kuanrmunda range of Rourkela Forest Division (RFD) in Sundargarh district on the wee hours of Monday. With this, the total human casualties in elephant raids within the RFD limits rose to seven in as many months.

As per reports, the house of victim Basumati Badaik (45),  located at a secluded area of Bijubandh village, was attacked by two elephants at about 2 am. As Basumati ran for life, she was caught by an elephant. Her body was badly mutilated before being ripped into four pieces.

A  herd  of  elephants  also  damaged  four  houses  in  that   area, including  the  house  of  the  deceased  woman.   Tension prevailed in the area after the incident. Sources  said  a herd comprising of five elephants had  entered  into Bijubandh  village at  Kacharu  area  under  Kuanrmunda  forest  range  on Sunday midnight.

Forest officials, who   were  camping  in that  village,  tried  to  drive  them away but  two  elephants entered  into two  houses.  The persons who were present in that house fled while the elephants damaged it.

Another group of three elephants  entered  into  another   house  and crushed an elderly women to death there.
