Elephant Death at Isiolo River, Samburu


David Daballen, STE Field Officer

Date Published

On the 27th of February 2011, a young sub-adult female elephant, about 10-12 years was found dead near the Isiolo River, being eaten by lions. Tour drivers, who initially had found the carcass, notified the KWS and the STE teams.

The carcass was still fresh when the teams got there since the young elephant was killed by predators (Lions). Afterwards, the KWS staff, to prevent poachers from stealing them, chopped off both of the elephant tusks.

After observing the carcass closely, we found that her upper front leg was extremely swollen, an indication that something was seriously wrong before she died! She had been wounded before and it’s very likely she had died as result of that.

The two male lions feeding on the carcass could have killed the Sub Adult as result of her condition because she could have been too weak to defend herself from the two aggressive males, who have a reputation of killing young ones.