From Buses to Elephants


Toby Aisbitt

Date Published

My name is Toby Aisbitt. I am an undergraduate, from the University of Warwick in England attached to Save the Elephants as an intern for the Summer . It all started in a coffee shop in Sloane Square, London, when I first met Iain Douglas Hamilton. As I sit writing this outside my tent in the middle of the Samburu Reserve, Kenya, nothing could seem further removed. When my plane landed in the Reserve I was surprised when Geronimo, one of the Kenyan interns at STE, who had come to meet me, immediately picked me out of the crowd and rushed over to say hello. He later revealed that Iain had showed him my photo and so he had recognized the hair!

Since then I have been exposed to many things I never dreamed I would get a chance to experience. I hope to share some of my time here with you over the weeks to come.