Stray elephant kills Dowa villager (Malawi)


Luke Bisani, Malawi 24

Date Published

An elephant which escaped from Nkhotakota Game Reserve has killed a villager in Dowa district.

According to reports, the elephant is believed to have got out of Nkhotakota Game Reserve and entered a village in the area of Traditional Authority (T.A) Msakambewa in Dowa.

Confirming the development, Chairperson of community policing in the area Boniface Chunga said the giant animal was spotted by villagers in a bush 200 meters away from their village.

Chunga added that people from the village rushed to see the elephant but the giant became angry and killed one of the villagers.

He however expressed concern that people in the area are at risk of losing lives and appealed to authorities to take action.

Meanwhile authorities are yet to act accordingly to ensure the safety of the residents.