The Cats of Samburu


Jessica Powell , International Intern

Date Published

This young male, named ‘Loirish’, is known for being quite a naughty boy. We found him lurking in the bushes in the Buffalo Springs Reserve, next to an elephant that had died of natural causes that we needed to identify. Needless to say, the job was done quite quickly, while Loirish was kept under a watchful eye!

Finally we had a pretty perfect, whole body leopard sighting at the very top of Oryx Plains.

The male cubs of a lioness that likes to hang out quite regularly next to the river at Wye Bridge… beautiful.

I was over the moon the first time I saw a cheetah here in Samburu as I had never seen one in the wild before. I can’t believe this is now my third sighting! Good to see these cats are doing well.