The new interns – Hannah Mumby & Heather Gurd


by Hannah Mumby and Heather Gurd, International Interns

Date Published

Hi, we are Hannah Mumby and Heather Gurd the new interns at Save the Elephants.

Hannah- I arrived at the Save the Elephants camp on Monday 2nd of August and I am very fortunate to be an intern until 29th Following my BA in Biological Anthropology and MPhil in Epidemiology from the University of Cambridge I will soon to starting a PhD working with elephants. I have come to STE to learn more about these wonderful creatures from the experts! Whilst I am here, I will be using my programming skills to work on a project with the database of long term monitoring (LTM) data. I feel very lucky to be able to contribute to the great work which is taking place here. I have enjoyed my first few days so much- everything from meeting all of the staff and the other intern, Heather, to seeing elephants in the wild for the first time. I know there is much more to come and Heather and I will keep you updated, starting with the events from this morning! August.

Heather – Hello! I’m lucky enough to be an intern with STE from 3rd August until 24th September. I have recently graduated from the University of Exeter where I studied Conservation Biology and Ecology and so am very grateful for this opportunity to gain some invaluable practical skills in such an amazing environment. Whilst I only arrived at STE in the early hours of yesterday morning, I have spent the past week with lion researcher and STE’s former education officer Shivani Bhalla and the rest of the Ewaso Lions team in Westgate, about an hours drive from STE. It was an incredible week – from teaching Samburu morans the alphabet to some fantastic sightings of leopards. No doubt the behaviours of animals seen in the community area of Westgate will contrast with those here in the park!

Now on my second day as an STE intern I am already learning so much and have started cleaning some of the extensive mammal census data with Jeronimo and conducted a Long Term Monitoring (LTM) transect with David and Chris. Very much looking forward to the weeks to come!