Tuskers hurl children in air, kill elderly man (India)


Debajyoti Chakraborty & Sujay Khanra,Times of India

Date Published
BURDWAN/WEST MIDNAPORE: Two children survived miraculously after a stray wild tusker tossed both of them with his trunk at Katwa Town and Mangalkote in Burdwan on Sunday afternoon.
Snehashis Paramanik (12) has been admitted to Katwa Sub-Divisional Hospital with minor injuries. He was running behind the stray animal when it suddenly stopped and turned back to hurl him in the air. Snehashis fell on the ground and became senseless. 
In the second incident, the same tusker tossed a three-year-old boy in the air at Silagram in Mangalkote. Luckily, he fell on a heap of loose mud instead of a solid ground. 
The stray tusker was first spotted in Galsi a few days ago. From there, it crossed the road to enter Ausgram, where it has been roaming around. 
Divisional forest officer of Burdwan Ajoy Kumar Das said that forest officials had been camping at Mangalkote to push the tusker back to a Bankura forest. 
In another incident, Dilip Dey (70), a resident of Gangoni in Amlagora forest range of West Midnapore, was killed when he got trapped in a group of Dalma tuskers just after coming out of his house. An elephant picked him up by its trunk and slammed him on the ground. He was considered brought dead at Midnapore Medical College and Hospital.
