We also take the local villagers around the reserves and give lectures to school children. Our main aim is to increase conservation awareness amonsgt the local people and school children. St Teresa’s Girls High School, located in Wamba, is one of our regular visitors to our research centre in Samburu. Saba Douglas-Hamilton, Trustee STE and David Daballen talk to the school children During their visit to Samburu Reserve, they normally stop by the research centre for a talk on elephants.
This provides them with a unique opportunity to see our high technology equipment, including the GPS collars. We show them how the collars work and the elephant movement maps which are extracted from the data collected from the collars. The students are amazed by the information collected from the collars. The students and headmistress look at elephant skulls Towards the end of the talk, we offer them a chance to ask questions about the work we do and any other interesting aspect in conservation.
The word is passed around and now we get a lot of students from other schools. students outside the research centre Listening to the talk on elephants We are in the process of developing our research centre further by producing some educational materials for our noticeboard. We aim to make it a great educational facility for researchers and students alike.