Welcome to Samburu


Fraizer Onyango, Local Intern

Date Published

I arrived in Samburu on 28th September, 2011 at around 9.30 pm. I was very tired after a long journey from Nairobi. The following day, I was familiarizing with the environment at the research camp. It was cool with birds singing everywhere, the most conspicuous being the hornbills. The vervet monkeys were also there as the daily visitors in the camp.

On Friday was my first game drive with the company of David and Jerinimo in their daily long term monitoring activity towards the west gate. Although the environment was very dry animals such as impalas, gerenuks, dikdiks and waterbucks could be spotted under the shrubs. We also managed to see one elephant family called American Indians who are residents led by Ute as the Matriarch. It was noted that the current drought made the elephants families migrate to greener pastures in such of food. Thus, were not able to be found easily.

Back at the camp, I am involved in the data entry of immobilization record, which contains information on collared, re-collared and treated elephants. This is a suitable exercise to improve my skills on data base management.

Still more to come about Samburu!