Accelerometers In Collars Identify Behavioral States In Captive African Elephants Loxodonta Africana. (2012)

Accelerometers are motion-detection devices that, when attached to animals, are capable of detecting body orientation, overall activity levels, and specific behavior patterns.


Endangered Species Research


Soltis, J., Wilson, R.P., Douglas-Hamilton I., Vollrath, F., King, L.E., Savage, A

Date Published 2012Accelerometers

Endang Species Res 18:255-263. doi: 10.3354/esr00452


Accelerometers are motion-detection devices that, when attached to animals, are capable of detecting body orientation, overall activity levels, and specific behavior patterns. We deployed accelerometers in order to study the hypothesis that accelerometer output would allow us to distinguish between 4 behavior patterns in 3 adult female African elephants Loxodonta africana at Disney’s Animal Kingdom®, Florida, USA. Tri-axial accelerometer data loggers were attached to the tops of collars worn around the elephants’ necks. Behavior was documented on video while the accelerometer output was stored on the data logger. Feeding, bathing, and walking behaviors were recorded in all 3 subjects, while swaying behavior could be recorded in only 1 subject.

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