Coexistence In A Land Use Mosaic? Land Use, Risk And Elephant Ecology In Laikipia District, Kenya. (2006)

This thesis is about the patterns, determinants and consequences of human-elephant interaction in Laikipia District in northern Kenya.




Graham, M.

Date Published 2006Landuserisk

University of Cambridge for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


This thesis is about the patterns, determinants and consequences of human-elephant interaction in Laikipia District in northern Kenya. Laikipia is located outside of formally protected areas, supports a range of land use types and harbours Kenya’s second largest elephant population comprised of over 3,000 animals. I use interdisciplinary methods and multiple scales of spatial analysis to examine elephant distribution, persistence and interactions with people in this human landscape. At a course scale, results from several data sources show that elephants occur across almost 50% of Laikipia District and, intriguingly, are relatively evenly distributed across locations under cultivation, settlement and livestock production.

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