Elsevier. The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
Hierarchical Dominance Structure And Social Organization In African Elephants, Loxodonta Africana. (2007
According to the socioecological framework, transitivity (or linearity) in dominance relationships is related to competition over critical resources.
Elsevier. The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
Wittemyer G., Getz, W.M.
According to the socioecological framework, transitivity (or linearity) in dominance relationships is related to competition over critical resources. When a population is structured into groups, the intensity of between versus within-group competition influences the form and function of its social organization. Few studies have compared the type and relative intensity of competition at these two levels. African elephants have well-structured social relations, providing an exemplary system for such a study. We report on dominance hierarchies among free-ranging elephants and evaluate the factors that drive their socioecological structure to lie in a region of the three-dimensional nepotism/despotism/tolerance space rarely observed among social species;