
Broken Ear Club

Floppy-eared Frida of the Artists 2 family is an orphan who will always have a special place in my heart. Frida’s mother died during treatment for a bullet wound when she was only 6 years old. Perhaps it was her very broken left ear, draped...

An Open air trial and a new National Park!

A Bright Spot Deep in the ForestDeep in the Congo forest, one small organization has taken a stand against poaching. The Lukuru Foundation has been working for the past 10 years in one of the remotest, most biodiverse regions, with help of some...

Communities vow to end illegal killings of elephants

Since the beginning of this year, there have been reports of a rise in the illegal killing of elephants on the East of Matthews Ranges. These killings have been a worrying issue to the stakeholders operating along that area; Save The Elephants,...

Young female elephants filling the shoes of their poached mothers:

Matriarchs:Elephants are well-known for their close family ties and social complexity with no individual having more of an impact on the family than the matriarch. Often the oldest and largest adult female in the family, the matriarch is the core of...

Training Local Dogs to Take on Poachers

Dogs are playing an ever-increasing role in the desperate struggle to curb poaching in Africa in both anti-poaching and anti-trafficking realms. Richard Bonham states “even if the poachers are not ambushed or stopped before the crime, they...

Protecting South Sudan’s Forest Elephants

The First Recorded Forest Elephants in South SudanCamera traps deployed last year in the deep tropical forests that span the border between South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo have provided an unprecedented insight to the wildlife this...


I’ve been at the Save The Elephants Research Camp as an intern for only 3 days and the experience – to say the least – has been awesome! I didn’t think they were serious when they mentioned that we would interact with wildlife… now I know!...

Eyes in the Courtroom

While the elephant and rhino poaching crisis spreads across Africa, poaching of elephants and rhinos in Kenya has declined by 80% in the last 3 years. This magnificent result comes as a result of major investment in law enforcement, legislation and...