
To be so trusted

It didn’t take long to fall in love with Samburu’s elephants. In the two short weeks that I have been at STE as an international intern, these incredible creatures have already stolen my heart. This wasn’t my first encounter with...

Tracking Marsabit Elephants

Prior to the 2007 deployment of radio collars in Marsabit, STE believed that the elephant population there was completely isolated, despite unconfirmed, local information that there was connectivity between the Marsabit and Samburu...

Learning about Elephant Conservation in Kenya First Hand!

How often do you get to rub shoulders with the big names in conservation? For a student in conservation studies or a conservation enthusiast, other than seeing their videos on YouTube or on the news, that chance is usually once in a blue...

Creating Tomorrow’s Conservationists

On a chilly Friday morning in November, at 8am, students from six universities began to trickle in. You could see the anticipation on their faces as they collected their Save the Elephants notebooks and sat down for the first ever symposium on...

Even elephants see the vet…

Given the social nature of female elephant herds, it is odd to see an adult female alone, especially without her calves nearby. When we first saw Alpine on her own during a weekly mammal census, we assumed from a distance that she was a lone bull....

Rain, rain, DON’T go away…

Back at home in Massachusetts, the sight of rain falling outside my window often elicits a groan of disappointment. The rain will dictate whether I will drive versus bike, wear rain boots instead of flats, take a hike or stay in to watch a movie,...

Li Bingbing on the impacts of buying ivory

China's leading actress and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Li Bingbing shines a spotlight on Africa's war on the poachers that are devastating Africa's elephants. The war is financed by those buying ivory. As Bingbing says, when the buying stops, the killing ca

Save the Elephants Mobile Education Unit

It can't be said too often that education is the key to transforming the future. Northern Kenya is no exception, and in the Samburu region we are proud of our Education Programme - conducted in close partnership with the Disney Animal Kingdom - that teach

What I(Yao Ming) Found

On his visit to Africa, Yao Ming came face to face with the devastating state of poaching.


This event, organized by Save the Elephants, was held at the British High Commissioner's residence in Nairobi, Kenya on 18th Feb. It sought to raise awareness on the current elephant poaching crisis as well as drum up support towards the total ban of Ivor