
Taking Stock

National ivory stockpile destruction unique sends an important and clear message that a nation is not tolerant of wildlife crime that threatens to wipe out the African elephant.

Mountain Bull

Since 2006, Save the Elephants had been able to deploy a GSM collar on a well-known bull called Mountain Bull.

Stop Demand

Chinese superstar Li Bing Bing on why we should save elephants.

Collaring the Elephants of Congo’s Virunga National Park

In late July Save the Elephants flew to Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo to deploy tracking collars to protect the last of its elephants from poachers. In the 1980s the national park - Africa’s oldest - was estimated to...

Closing the Hong Kong “Loophole”

Hong Kong has the largest number of ivory items on sale in the world. At 30,856 pieces, this market is also the closest to the world’s main ivory consumer: China. Every year, over 30 million Chinese tourists come to the island territory to shop...

On the Loss of a Matriarch

What we lose when we lose our elders I have recently lost a very dear person to me while I have been away from home here at STE camp. Although I knew it was coming, I never imagined it would be while I was away - I suppose no one imagines such...

An Elephant Never Forgets

As I reflect on my first few days in camp, I am amazed at the amount of memorization undertaken by each of the individuals who work here throughout the year. Upon arrival, it was explained that I would be assisting with field work including...

Superb experience at STE!

I came to Save the Elephants (STE) as a national intern with a mind that all the elephants are the same; little did I know that all of them are given names under several families just as we human beings. How could this even be possible?? After...