
The Sydney World Parks Congress

“The future is, after all, in the hands of the youth,” said Nelson Mandela of the future of conservation in his speech at the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) in 2003. Just over a decade later, at the sixth IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 in...

Anwar the bull

The elephants of Samburu are unusually tame and trusting… Anwar, a young bull, takes his affection to new levels…

Bye-Bye Babies – leaving Samburu in a baby boom

Finally, after over a year in Samburu, the time has come for me to head home. I am trying my best not to feel too heartbroken about leaving my friends and of course my elephants to return to the cold wet winter of the UK. And although I am not...


The Global March for elephants and rhinos had been hyped for months now, and come October 4th 2014, wildlife enthusiasts in 136 cities and towns across six continents marched in what is said to be the biggest global wildlife protest ever. The...

Treating Lomunyak

In the last few months Samburu has, thankfully, been very quiet. Poaching incidents and wounded elephants sightings have been rare, though we occasionally hear of incidents far to the west in Oldonyiro area and around Mukokodo forest. 3rd October...

Tsavo Tuskers dealing with a modern Africa

Tsavo Tusker coded LU1 and friends showing the challenges of living in a modern Africa. Here they are crossing the Mombasa Road on the 4th October 2014. Filmed by Richard Moller of the Tsavo...

New York Meetings Grow Coalition

A series of meetings in New York in late September have further cemented the growing global coalition to save elephants.During a speech the Annual Summit (which you can view here) convened by the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), President Ali Bongo...

Little Miracles

Today, my blog is not about elephants. Well… it’s not just about elephants. The day was young but the sun was already a fierce burning ball in the blue, blue sky above camp. Everyone had gathered for chai (tea, or more broadly, breakfast)...