
Collaring elephants on Mount Kenya

In 2010/2011 ten collars were deployed in Mount Kenya at the height of the poaching crisis to see what was happening on the mountain. However, within half a year around three quarters of the collared elephants had been poached. This was when we knew...

Introducing Dr. Ben Okita

Dr Benson Okita-Ouma, PhD., MBS. (Ben or Okita) holds a Bachelor degree in wildlife management from Moi University, Kenya; A Masters degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom, and is a Doctor of Philosophy...

Bush Safety

As the human population increases, the amount of space left for wildlife is decreasing. Human beings are now living in closer proximity to wildlife and more often encounter conflict due to competition for space and resources. This conflict has...

Of lawmakers, drones and elephants

So, to the next update from the depths of elephant country. We’ve certainly had some excitement here over the past days. The camp has been honoured by a visit from lawmaker Dr. Elizabeth Quat from Hong Kong, seen an influx from the team in...

For the love of elephants

Hey! My name is Nina and I’m one of the international interns at STE Samburu camp. Having grown up in neighbouring Tanzania where I was raised on high doses of sunshine, tropical beaches and frequent, if dusty, safaris, I thought I was prepared...

Preaching Conservation Through Sports and Culture

Poaching has been a major problem in Save the Elephants’ area of operation, Samburu County. Their weaponry skills and knowledge of the area have made locals the ideal persons hired to do the dirty work, causing the anti-poaching team sleepless...

Assimilation in the Wild

The month of August in the education calendar is holiday time for all our students. However, our scholarship students were hosted at camp for a week and involved an integrated approach to their study sessions using Khan Academy, one on one subject...

Collaring Elephants in Sera

Over the past weekend, STE and NRT team put collars on two elephants in Sera. The aim of this collaring operation was to contribute to a wider plan concerning land use management in Northern Kenya in relation to the existing conservancies. In...

Amazing Place…

Save The Elephants Research camp is the place to be. It is filled with diverse people with diverse knowledge - a factory of knowledge in fact! What you want is just what you will get!! I have been in the camp for five weeks and I have seen...

Elephants and Bees in Sri Lanka

With the growing success of our Elephants and Bees Project in Africa, (see, there has been increasing interest from elephant projects in Asia to see if we can export our beehive fence idea to help Asian farmers from Asian...