
The White Stone

Elephant Conservation Tour in China - June 10 - Guangzhou This was the day I had been waiting for, the day I would finally see where all the elephants I knew had gone after they had met their horrible deaths: the visit to the ivory market. We...

Collaring orphan Soutine

After the sad loss of Amayeta earlier this year her collar has been awaiting redployment at the STE camp. As this collar (STE2010-1232, 148.592) had only been fitted around one year ago it was decided that it should be re-deployed on another...


Elephant Conservation Tour in China - June 9 - Guangzhou As the days go by, I feel further and further away from home. It seems this ivory trade is the same for many of the people we meet here. I've heard them say it dozens of times over the...

Embers of hope

Elephant Conservation Tour in China - June 8 - Guangzhou A flurry of activity has followed my arrival to Guangzhou; walks in the park watching retired people perform Chinese traditional theatre arts; eating street food on busy, hazy alleyways...

Preaching Co-existence in Kirimon and Oldonyiro Communities

The trip kicked off on Saturday morning, 7th June 2014. On board was a KWS warden Mr. Steve Okoth, Samburu National Reserve warden Gabreil Lolkipaengi, Osotoa Wildlife Foundation representative Tom Lolosoli, Alex Lekalaile, Henry Lenayasa and...

An Epic Evening for Elephants in Malibu

On May 10th 2014, elephants received a significant boost from a new type of supporter. A throng of almost three hundred Hollywood stars, film producers and directors, artists and celebrities attended an evening gala that raised $2.1 million for...

A Tribute to Mountain Bull

Mountain Bull was killed by poachers last week. The poachers used poison tipped spears. Although we will never know what his last hours were like, we can assume they were spent in agony – a mix of pain and rage, giving way to a horrific death...

The death of Mountain Bull

Last year I wrote a blog about my first collaring operation here at STE. After tracking these elephants’ movements on google earth in October I finally had the opportunity to see the first stage of the process, the fitting of the...

The digital and the beast

How often do you come across wildlife interacting so harmoniously with human technology? Well, maybe once in a life time or just about never if you are not lucky enough to be among the Save The Elephants team! I usually wake up at 7.15 am but today...