
The birth of the Elephants and Bees HEC Research Centre in Tsavo

Every farmer wants to be part of the Elephants & Bees project. It is a fantastic, simple and new innovation that not only protects their farms from crop-raiding elephants, but also enables them reap the great benefits. Beekeeping offers an...

Happy Holidays

It’s been a big year for elephants both in the field and on the international stage, and we are heartened by the powerful coalition that has come together to work for their survival. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who has...

End of an Era – In Memory of Mac

On the 31st October 2013, the Section Ranger at The Kruger National Park, Karien Keet, reported that a large tusked elephant had been found dead. Further examination of the recovered collar revealed that the carcass belonged to Mac, a...

Chasing Cattle to Save Elephants

On November 20th, I received an urgent call from Iain Craig, Director of Conservation at the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT): Cattle rustlers on the attack! Ian and his team were already hot in pursuit, but needed Save the Elephants' landscape...

Pleasant transformations in sights and sounds of Samburu

As the grey skies and thunderous clouds drive wildlife and tourists into hiding, at the STE camp, our daily activities continue as usual. Daudi and Chris are hopping into the nearest car to embark on yet another task, while Lembara, the old and...

Crushing Ivory… And hopefully demand!

On the 14th of November The United States of America sent a strong message to the world: We won't stand for the killing of elephants. America is one of the top destinations for ivory smuggled out of Africa, and also serves as an important transit...

The Protective Beehive Fence

Understanding the world of crop raiding and the basis of human-elephant conflict experienced by farmers around wilderness areas is what I have majorly been involved in as one of Dr Lucy King’s interns under the Save the Elephant’s- Elephants and...

Collaring a Legend

It was just a regular evening at STE research camp. We were sitting around the dinner table chatting and keeping an eye out for our genet friend, when David casually dropped into the conversation "So tomorrow there might be an attempt to...