
Save the Elephants joins the 9-2 Anti Poaching Force

The area to the west of Isiolo has been plagued by some of the worst poaching to be seen in Kenya. STE recently joined a new mobile security force created by the Northern Rangelands Trust and the Kenya Wildlife Service to patrol the...

NGOs gather to discuss the elephant crisis with Hillary Clinton

July 31, 2013I had only just returned to Kenya from a long round of meetings in the US in June, when I received an invitation that made me turn straight back around. Secretary Hillary Clinton was interested in holding a dialogue with the leadership...

Teaching an old dog new tricks

All was still as we sat down at the meeting, poachers on one side, KWS on the other and Save the Elephants right in the middle. You could cut the tension with a knife.This was planned to be the first of many meetings initiated of Save the Elephants...

Builders Club helps save elephants

Students from Unity Middle School, Florida, through their community service club, The Builders Club, have raised an incredible $600 for Save the Elephants! This was inspired by "The Ivory Crisis" presentation which Singer Rankin, one of STE's most...

Living in Harmony with Elephants

I hit the ground running this month by getting our core schools in Samburu involved in the nationwide campaign titled ‘HANDS OFF OUR ELEPHANTS.’ My aim was to get the kids writing letters to the President of Kenya to protest the ongoing elephant...

A week with the Samburu Producers

Viraj and I arrived at the camp on Wednesday night at 9pm on one month and two weeks internships respectively. We are assisting Bernard collect data on the various plants in the reserve in the hope of developing a GIS map of all the vegetation in...

Mozambican “Elephant-Friendly Honey”

We are delighted to report that the first ever 7.5kgs of delicious Mozambican “Elephant-Friendly Honey” has been produced by our trial Beehive Fence farmers living in Niassa National Reserve in northern Mozambique! The farmers’ activities are...

Mapping Vegetation in the Midst of Leopards

My main project over the next couple of weeks will be to assist Bernard, the STE GIS expert, in making a vegetation map of the Samburu and Buffalo Springs Game Reserves. Excitingly, this has never been done before to this precision and once...

An introduction with dung

Hi, I’m Viraj, the new STE intern! I am currently on a gap year having deferred my entry to Brown University, USA, where I hope to major in Environmental Science. I have had a phenomenal gap year with a number of unique experiences, but nothing...