
Watching the Samburu Elephants

I can’t believe how fast my time at STE has flown! I have two weeks left here until I return home to Australia. I will most definitely miss the field above anything else - every time we go out I find it exciting, without exception.Going out in the...

Special Elephant Moments

Getting an early start to the day has multiple benefits – and watching a family of elephants cross the river is definitely one of them. The way the light reflects on the river makes the group look like giant, graceful silhouettes. Bodies collapse...

A part of the team at STE

Over the last few days I have been working hard helping Gilbert (one of the office staff members) enter the LTM (Long-Term Monitoring) data in to the database. While I enjoy the time I get to spend in the field the most, I have accompanied Shifra...

Elephants in Peril – new STE Website

Save The Elephants is shining a bright light on the elephant poaching crisis with its new web initiative, Elephants In Peril ( at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, September 2012, the site publishes...

A Wildlife Paradise

Jumbo from Samburu!It has been another eventful few days here at camp. We’ve recently had to be wary about going out in to the field as a cattle raid moved through the reserve - thankfully they stayed well away from the STE camp, however....

A Fantastic First Week At Samburu

Hello from Samburu! My name is Georgia and I am the newest International Intern at STE, staying for two months. I studied Zoology in Melbourne, Australia, and following my arrival three days ago I have had a sensational experience here.Just after...

Work But Fun

Many people do not consider work as fun, but I do! Travelling for the first time to Samburu on 12th July 2012 with four of my other stuff members from Save the Elephants, I thought of what the Samburu ‘Camp’ was like. Seated behind Siana who was...

Trip Up North

I started interning for Save The Elephants about six months ago at its Langata office in Nairobi. In all this time I only knew of what happened in the field through reports and accounts that passed through my desk, but about a month ago Vella (STE...

Painting Ngare Mara Primary School

This was sadly my last week interning for STE but it’s been a good one! This past weekend I was able to experience the community side of STE when a group of students from the UK came to paint a school with our education program. We had a full camp...

Two weeks at Save the Elephants

My name is Celia O’Brien. I’m from Washington, DC, and I’m going into my senior year in high school. This June was my third time visiting Samburu. The first time I came on safari with my family, the second I spent lots of my time interning at...