
Hope’s Death

On the 10th of March 2011, an adult female elephant was killed by poachers at the Nayaa-Korea (Alamach Area). Both of its tusks were missing.Wilson, the STE scout, found her at around half past seven in the evening, the previous day. The female was...

Samburu Elephant Conservation News

Conducting research on elephant conservation is a process that entails a lot of activities that are carried out with the help of, and in-conjunction with our donors, researchers, KWS team and STE staff members. This is the case for the month of...

Elephant Vocalization Experiments

I’m about a month into my internship with STE now, and this is the first time in my life I’ve ever enjoyed a routine. Waking up when the vervet monkeys decide it’s time to play outside my tent is much preferable to the sounds of my mobile...

Chasing Cattle

The other day we had a bit of a change of pace from wildlife monitoring. Our mission was to retrieve the five cattle collars that have been giving STE data for the last year and a half.The objective of this project was to better understand...

Elephant Death at Isiolo River, Samburu

On the 27th of February 2011, a young sub-adult female elephant, about 10-12 years was found dead near the Isiolo River, being eaten by lions. Tour drivers, who initially had found the carcass, notified the KWS and the STE teams.The carcass was...

Elephant Death at Buffalo Springs, Samburu

On The 25th of February 2011, poachers who shot an adult male elephant, made away with both of her tusks, leaving the elephant wounded. Unfortunately, the elephant succumbed to the gun shot wounds.The locals living in that area had heard the...

Stuck in the Mud

Smatterings of rain and one impressive dawn thunderstorm have proven a successful (if inconvenient) elephant deterrent thus halting sound experiments for the last three days. The one family that didn’t appear to mind was the First Ladies. Two days...

The Death of Resilience

Hello everyone, this is my second dispatch from Kenya, February 9, 2011I have some sad news. Resilience succumbed to her bullet wounds and has perished. We found her yesterday in an open plain where she spent her last hours. Allow me to tell you a...

Dust – my first dispatch from Kenya

Hello everyone, this is my first dispatch from Kenya, February 5, 2011Dust: Driving down from the plateaus of Mount Kenya, we entered dry country. In Samburu National Reserve I squinted my eyes to scan across the arid plain where a line of light...