
A finished transect, roaring Lions and the good life

Good news everybody, a week ago we have finished the first part of our research! The transect along the river has been completed, in total we made 19 plots of 4 x 4 meter along the Ewaso Ng’iro river and found a total of 115 different species of...

Field update by Edwin & Jos

It has been a while since the last blog, but that is just because we have been very busy around here! We have now made the first part of our transect along the riverside to investigate the effect of the recent flooding on the vegetation here in the...

Excellent performances by our students

We are very happy to report that all our students who sat last year's Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) performed very, very well! Benjamin Loloju our A student had this to say:“I am happy to have scored an A in my KCSE...

Progress at STE camp after the flood

We have been here for about two weeks now and it seems to become second nature to us, last week we went a day out to Isiolo with some of the guys from Save the Elephants to have a good day off. It was a nice trip and we had roasted goat and some...


"HUGE SUCCESS AT CITES!!! We are delighted to email you from the conference center in Doha to spread the news that both the Zambian and Tanzania elephant proposals to downlist their elephants from Appendix I to Appendix II and to sell their ivory...

The day our camp was washed away by floods

Hello, it's Zeituna again! I also experienced the floods. It happened on the 4th of march. We were alerted before the floods reached our camp by our sister camp; Elephant Watch Safaris. Everyone in camp woke up early and we started removing our...

Flood Update by STE’s new interns

Today is the twelth of March, little over a week after the massive flooding occured here at the Research Camp in the Samburu National Reserve. The entire camp was virtually destroyed, equipment was either washed away or covered in mud and there were...

Flood Relief

Nairobi, 11 March 2010Flood Update by Lucy King "I am up in the research center now in Samburu and helping with the clean up effort. We have quite a large team here now who have done well to try to salvage what they can from the bushes and have even...

How I spent my time in Samburu

My name is Zeituna Mustafa. I am very happy to have gotten this special chance of getting a work experience as a Kenyan intern. My colleague was from Australia, her name is Tempe Adams. I have gotten field and office experience which I didn’t have...