
Finally the Rains are here….

My dear dear friends and familyYour letters and words, prayers and burning candles have been such a comfort for us dealing with a real drought throughout these last 10 months - and now finally I can tell you The Rains Have Come, and together we can...


Dear friends and familyAs I sit on my rock overlooking the beautiful landscape, I can finally tell you "the drought has ended in Samburu" and with it wonderful things have happened. The outlying hills and mountains are dark, as if newly painted...

Collateral damage

After the recent poaching the group that he had been travelling with scattered. They hid in nearby thicket for a day before journeying by night into the centre of the reserve. This is away from the water of the swamps and the resulting vegetation...

Left Behind

Today we set out to find a young calf that had been reported abandoned. We headed towards the helter skelter of vultures stretching far up into the sky only to confirm our fears. The calf was dead on arrival.We don’t know which family it was from...

My First Postmortem

Today I witnessed something I never dreamt I would ever see, an elephant Postmortem. We travelled on foot into the bush wHere a local village had reported a dead elephant. One of the rangers from the area had been watching him for several days. The...

A poachers curse

This morning we went to the edge of the park to record the details of a poached elephant. It was a haunting sight to see. Rather than falling on his side he had collapsed forward onto his chest. This made him seem more lifelike and impressive in...

Injured Bull

Today we responded to reports of an injured bull in the neighbouring region of West Gate. Due to his injury, the group of bulls he travels with had left him behind. With the help of a herder, who was busy digging a water hole for his goats, we found...

A tyre amongst friend

Today we had the misfortune of getting a puncture in what can only be described as an inconvenient place. On the one side were buffalo, on the other elephants. It was only David and myself in the car so following his lead we began to change the...

Baboon Sting

The other morning I was thoroughly outsmarted by a pair of baboons well practiced in the art of theft. One started creeping up to the breakfast table in what looked like an unorganized routine raid. No sooner had I stood to chase him away did his...

The Grévy’s Zebra Trust

Morale was soon lifted by a visit from ‘The Grévy’s Zebra Trust’. Their team, including several Obama t-shirt sporting Americans, ensured that at every meal more talking was done than eating. The ongoing drought has seen a huge number of...