
The Birth of Toto Raj

Amidst the current drought the birth of the newest member of the Royal Family (below) has been an absolute joy for Save the Elephants’ research team in Samburu. Annabel gave birth to Toto Raj on 15th August 2009. The entire labour and birth was...

Rain Dance

The river next to camp remains a beach and the situation is becoming desperate. Any spare time has been spent praying for rain and an end to the ongoing drought. This has included frequent visits to ""! Monkeys have been...

So Much Poaching

The past couple of days have revolved around the bleak but necessary task of locating and identifying injured or dead elephants. Recently I travelled to the relatively close Shaba Reserve in search of an elephant that was reported to have a spear in...

Who and How

Much of the time at camp has been spent continuing the analysis of the tracking collars efficiency and updating the elephant ID files. The work is progressing steadily but given the amount of data to assess and the number of elephants to update, it...

Rangoon Collaring

In support of our ongoing collaboration with Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, and Susannah Rouse, we decided to collar another female in the Asian Cities Family. I felt incredibly lucky to be there for my first collaring when KWS vet, Dr. Chege, was...

Elephant Dormitory

One part of the ‘Save the Elephants’ organization I was not fully aware of was their educational program until I accompanyed Daniel on one of his many trips to the nearby West Gate Primary. This is a school that ‘Save the Elephants’ is...

Weird Tusk Invades

This morning began with the camp being invaded by a frequent visitor, Weird Tusk. His left tusk is bent backwards at an unusual angle (not dissimilar to the legs of a cowboy who has ridden too far). After strolling confidently through the camp he...

Elephant Star Mohican Dies

All who saw BBC 1’S ‘Secret Life of Elephants’ will remember Mohican, the matriarch of the Native Americans herd. She became a star of the show when she mated with intimidating, car-crusher, Rommel. On top of this she displayed exceptional...

From Buses to Elephants

My name is Toby Aisbitt. I am an undergraduate, from the University of Warwick in England attached to Save the Elephants as an intern for the Summer . It all started in a coffee shop in Sloane Square, London, when I first met Iain Douglas Hamilton....

E-biosphere09 conference in London 1st to 3rd June 2009

 The e-Biosphere 09 International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics brought together an exceptional array of speakers and participants to highlight the achievements in Biodiversity Informatics today and to discuss strategies for its future....