
Community Educational Tour

North of Samburu National reserve lies Kalama conservancy. Far north is Namunyak wildlife conservancy. These two conservancies are owned by the communities and are shared with wild animals.The communities are responding more positively to the idea...

Field visits to Shimba Hills (16th March – 18th March 2003)

The dung samples are to be analysed to determine the stress levels and the relationships between various elephant populations.We went to Shimba Hills Game Reserve first where we found fresh elephant tracks, but unfortunately no elephants were...

Kamunyak, the miracle lioness

Samburu National Reserve has recently become a famous park, across Africa and the whole world today. At the beginning of last year the eighth wonder of world happened here in Kenya. In Samburu a Lioness (now known as Kamunyak) adopted a baby...

Snared Calf

Elephants are always prone to many risks, especially when they go outside the protected area and are likely to get snared or poached both of which always cause much stress or even result in death sometimes.On 20-Jan-03 as I was looking for a...

The Story of Tomboi, the orphaned baby elephant in Samburu

 On Friday December 13th 2002 I traveled to Samburu with Laurence for an end of the year bash for Save the Elephants and Elephant Watch Safaris. Often very interesting things happen there but Saturday December 14th was without a doubt one of the...

In memory of Hakim

On the 16th of August 2002 we lost one of our most beautiful and gentle elephant bulls, HAKIM, a 30-35 year old male that had just gone through his first musth period. The vets had to put him down because unknown people had fatally shot him two days...

Green Hunting in Timbavati

On the 9th May 2002 a huge elephant with tusks weighing over 100lbs a side was shot by a Texan hunter, in South Africa.Such large bulls are revered by female elephants, and are very rare in Africa today, as they have been selectively killed for...

Male-mating strategies in elephant bulls

His work combines behavioral observations together with faecal sample collection for hormone and DNA analyses, and detailed monitoring of elephant movements using Global Positioning System collars and radio tracking. The radio-tracking work is part...

Tracking elephants in the Rain Forests of Central Africa

Two years ago Save the Elephants donated four GPS radio collars to a Wildlife Conservation Society project studying elephants in the forest.Since then the WCS team of Steve Blake and his colleagues have been tracking the elephants and accumulating a...

The amazing story of the Lioness and her baby Oryx

My sister Dudu and I were lucky enough to be the only ones to film the complete documentary of the extraordinary and unlikely tale about the strange love a lioness had for an Oryx calf which she adopted within its first week of life.The odd pair was...