
Mummy to the rescue

WATCH this dramatic footage as first-time mum, Soutine (aged 15) from The Artists family, rescues her three-week old calf from danger after he was swept away as the pair crossed the Ewaso Nyiro river in Northern Kenya. While this footage shows the...

Remembering Esmond Bradley Martin

With his blaze of white hair, gentlemanly manner and love of brightly coloured suits and silk handkerchiefs, Esmond Bradley Martin was distinguished in more ways than simply by his status as one of the world’s top ivory investigators.Despite...

Elephant Baby Escapes Grisly Fate

WATCH the drama that unfolds when a newborn calf escapes death by a whisker in Samburu National Reserve! Sensing this lion's approach, Nablus - an elephant from the Biblical Towns family - reacted fast to rescue her two day old baby from a grisly...

How risky elephant movement is helping to plan Africa’s future

As the African landscape changes, the need to discover where elephants travel and how the expansion of new infrastructure could impact their movement and their lives is more urgent than ever. Understanding elephants as individuals, mapping their...

Of integrative modules & citizen science

For months, the education team under the guidance of Resson, Head of Awareness has been hard at work restructuring the conservation education curriculum dubbed Living in Harmony with Elephants (LIHWE). Save The Elephants first developed the manual...

Dreams of getting Higher Education become a reality

Since its inception in 2001, the Save the Elephants and Elephant Watch Safaris (STE/EWS) Scholarship Program has enabled over 150 students to get high school education. Among these students, over 99% have successfully graduated from high school and...

The Journey Of The Youngest Elephant Scholar

It has been a year since the witty Jackson Lembei had an unfortunate incident, where an elephant attacked him when he was out in the field herding his uncle’s goats. This unfortunate accident left Jackson with a broken arm, a slight head...

Teacher extraordinaire

Meet Mr. Ambrose Lekoitip, a head teacher at Sereolipi Primary School and a long-term friend of STE’s Education Programme. For over a decade, Ambrose has worked hand in hand with STE to nurture students into well-rounded members of the...

Finding Ottoman – How a missing matriarch came back from the dead

Last week during a routine aerial survey into remote Northern Kenya, the Save The Elephants team made a surprising discovery.About three hours into the flight, near the border of Oldonyiro and Laikipia, we came across a group of collared elephants...

Loss of a matriarch

It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of one of our most beloved and well known wild elephants, a gentle and extremely intelligent matriarch called Generosity (35) who was the leader of one of the Virtues sub-families and a...