Transforming the hearts and minds of young learners is at the center of our conservation lessons. For over five years, our mobile education programme has traversed the Northern landscape preaching the love for elephants and encouraging peaceful co-existence between communities and wildlife. Our “Living in Harmony with Elephants” lessons have reached over 500 students. Gradually and steadily, we have witnessed the scale tip towards the positive in attitude and behavior of young learners towards elephants.
Our analysis from 2016 is out and we couldn’t be more proud. Pre-evaluation survey showed 8% of students (N=167) disliked and feared elephants, this reduced to 2% when we conducted a post evaluation test early this year. The number of students showing admiration and respect for elephants has risen from 58% to an encouraging 72%.
This year, we want to focus on a more inclusive curriculum, integrating newer challenges facing African elephant populations, bringing students on board and encouraging them to be a part of the solution and hope for the future of their environment and heritage.