A March of a different kind


Resson Kantai, Projects Officer

Date Published

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” As the world remembers Martin Luther King, Jr, this month one man is walking right, and is taking America by storm, all for elephants. Jim Justus Nyamu is beginning another 1000km Ivory Belongs to Elephants walk, this time from Boston to Washington DC.

Save the Elephants was with Jim as he walked through Samburu, and again when he made his triumphant entry into Nairobi. Jim walks on to flood the world with a new sense of responsibility for its most iconic species, reminding each of us that even one man can make a difference. We cheer him on and offer support where we can as always, to make sure the rumbling voices of elephants are heard from the corridors of Kalama to the byways of Baltimore.

STE’s recent Chinese intern, Yufang Gao had met Jim in Kenya, and is eager to get his Grad school talking about elephants. Gao writes “We, on behalf of Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, would like to invite Jim to Yale University and will organize events for him.” We are excited to have played a role, however small in catalysing this coalition to secure a future for elephants.

Jim’s walking and talking is going down from the 4th of September, climaxing on the 4th of October when 15 cities worldwide take to the streets in the International March for Elephants. As we all look for creative ways to be part of this new story of hope, Save the Elephants encourages you to join the march to stamp in a safe world for elephants.