African Elephants May Need China To Save Them From Extinction (AUDIO)


WorldPost/Huffington Post

Date Published

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In the powerful new Netflix documentary “The Ivory Game,” Elephant Action League Executive Director Andrea Crosta ominously warns that the entire fate of Africa’s elephants is in the hands of a single man, Chinese President Xi Jinping. Only President Xi has the power, argues Crosta, to shut down China’s domestic ivory trade that drives so much of the killing of Africa’s rapidly diminishing elephant population.

‘For the first time in history, one person has in his hands, the destiny of an entire species.’Andrea Crosta in “The Ivory Game”

Crosta is among the central characters in “The Ivory Game,” where he is also joined by Nairobi-based conservation activist and founder of the nonprofit organization China House Kenya, Huang Hongxiang. Huang and Crosta traveled the world to expose the complex trading networks that facilitate the illicit ivory trade. While Huang generally agrees with Crosta that the Chinese president plays a large role in the destiny of these animals, he also cautions that it will take more than just Xi Jinping’s policies to stop the killing.

Huang joins Eric & Cobus  ? in the podcast above ? to discuss more about the undercover sting operations he participated in for “The Ivory Game,” and why he feels it is so important to demonstrate that Chinese activists like him are risking their lives in the effort to save Africa’s elephants from extinction.