First impressions-Jessica Powell


Jessica Powell , International Intern

Date Published

Hi everyone, my name is Jesse and I am doing a 7 week internship here at STE in Samburu. I graduated last July in a BSc Hons in Animal Management and am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to gain real field experience in elephant conservation. Elephants are one of my favourite animals and I am fascinated by their behaviour, cognition and emotion. I am just beginning my third week with the team and have already witnessed some fantastic scenes. It is birthing season and it is so wonderful to see the little ones suckling, learning how to use their trunks and playing in the mud!

Now I have never been one to look forward to the thought of camping, but the magic of Africa makes bush life, both day and night, an experience not to be missed. My days in camp consist of taking in the view of the river, listening to those naughty baboons, deciphering any tracks from visitors in the night and sharing meal times with our neighbouring birds and squirrels.

When working, I take part in mammal censuses, identifying and monitoring elephant families, photographing individuals for updating identification files and writing observational and research related reports. There is such a vast amount to learn and absorb and the work being carried out here on the ground is the true foundation of conserving these magnificent animals that is extremely admirable.

Whilst being blown away by the animals and living a dream that I hope to carry through into a career and all round life for myself, the reality of elephant conservation can be a difficult one. There have been a staggering number of poaching related elephant deaths only in the last few weeks and it is a reminder of how important it is to study and protect them. In the Western world it is easy to take so many things for granted on a daily basis, as well as, to forget what it is to bring meaning and passion to life. Here in Samburu I am reminded of this and am so grateful.

Until my next blog, watch this space…