Fun with the kids


Jessica Powell , International Intern

Date Published

Today was a very special treat as the local school in Westgate was having a big ceremony to celebrate the opening of several new buildings that had been donated to them by various groups, including STE.

What was also wonderful for them was that the town’s M.P was attending. I had been to the school once before and the children are always so excited to meet new people. They are particularly fascinated with being able to have their photos taken and seeing themselves on the camera. The last time, they had sung beautifully for us, shown off their English and given me a run for my money at a game of football! Man those kids are tough, running around on the gravel as quick as their little legs will carry them, sometimes even with no shoes! This time the singing was an equally important part of the day; there were so many performances that had been organised with the children, including some where they were dressed in traditional Samburu costume, making their parents extremely proud of how grown up they looked. The whole community was present and as we walked with the procession of people from building to building, watching ribbons being cut and trees being planted as a symbol of new things and future growth, the elders chanted a blessing on the event and the women of the town sang in celebration.

Although it was a long, hot day’s worth of speeches in a language I didn’t understand, the passion and enthusiasm people clearly felt towards the importance of education and a future that considered the well-being of the new generation and the environment, shone through. Thanks were given to each and every donor and even I was asked to stand in front of the crowd with STE, to introduce myself and accept a hand made gift from the community on their behalf. What a day, filled with fun, inspiration, gratitude and the kind of genuine smiles that warm your heart.