Ivory burning week…


Amy Bennett and Millicent Wanjiku, International & Local Interns

Date Published

With most of the Team in Voi for the Ivory Burn we thought that we were going to have a few very quiet days. Camp was pretty empty with only the interns and Jerenimo present. It turned out to be adventure packed.

Our work on mammal censuses continued and we had a very long day out doing several back to back to cover the entire Buffalo Springs Reserve. Hot and tiring work, we stopped for a quick break and a dip in the natural spring. It was so refreshing. A spur of the moment swim, fully clothed, was extra fun but it did mean riding back to camp soaking wet.

In the morning we had come across the Native American family but did not see many other elephants. A funny sight was a dead crocodile upside down in the river, we did laugh! On the way back to camp we bumped into a lioness that was busy hunting some impala. Too bad they noticed her and she had to look for another meal.