Police recover ivory worth Sh1.7m, arrest two men (Kenya)


CYRUS OMBATI, Standard Digital

Date Published

Nairobi, Kenya: Police have arrested two men and recovered seven elephant tusks weighing 17 kilogrammes with a value of Sh1.7 million in Nairobi. The duo was driving in a Toyota Probox on Mbogani Road in Karen, when Special Crimes Prevention Unit officers intercepted them. Police said the suspects had hid the ivory in a suitcase. “We had prior information the men were transporting the tusks when we intercepted the car and found them. They will be in court tomorrow (today),” said head of the unit Noah Katumo. The seizure came as China pledged Sh850 million for African nations to help fight poaching. Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, who is touring Africa, said China is committed to protecting wildlife.The premier spoke after visiting the ivory burning site in Nairobi National Park with President Uhuru Kenyatta. “Our visit to the monument together shows that the two sides are cooperating in good faith to jointly combat poaching,” said Li.