Copyright © 2017 Government of the Republic of Kenya
Wildlife Migratory Corridors And Dispersal Areas: Kenya Rangelands And Coastal Terrestrial Ecosystems (2017)
Kenya is endowed with an extraordinary wealth of mammals, birds and other biodiversity, a unique heritage for the people of Kenya.
Government of the Republic of Kenya
Ojwang, G.O., Wargute, P.W., Said, M.Y., Worden, J.S., Davidson, Z., Muruthi, P., Kanga, E., Ihwagi, F., Okita-Ouma, B.
Kenya is endowed with an extraordinary wealth of mammals, birds and other biodiversity, a unique heritage for the people of Kenya. Kenya’s development blueprints on ensuring environmental sustainability – the Constitution (2010), Vision 2030, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – recognize the importance of sustainable resource use, reducing biodiversity loss, and maintenance of ecosystems processes. In the Vision 2030, under the conservation strategic thrust, the flagship project on securing wildlife dispersal areas and migratory corridors features prominently as one of the economic and social pillars. All over the country, wildlife populations have declined dramatically over the last few decades. Ecosystems are failing to provide ecological services such as water storage, soil protection and climate moderation. At the same time, human-wildife conflict has increased. To reduce and reverse this trend, it is urgent to assess and secure Kenya’s wildlife dispersal areas and migratory corridors as a way to restore balance to our country’s superb environment.