
An Epic Evening for Elephants in Malibu

On May 10th 2014, elephants received a significant boost from a new type of supporter. A throng of almost three hundred Hollywood stars, film producers and directors, artists and celebrities attended an evening gala that raised $2.1 million for...

A Tribute to Mountain Bull

Mountain Bull was killed by poachers last week. The poachers used poison tipped spears. Although we will never know what his last hours were like, we can assume they were spent in agony – a mix of pain and rage, giving way to a horrific death...

The death of Mountain Bull

Last year I wrote a blog about my first collaring operation here at STE. After tracking these elephants’ movements on google earth in October I finally had the opportunity to see the first stage of the process, the fitting of the...

The digital and the beast

How often do you come across wildlife interacting so harmoniously with human technology? Well, maybe once in a life time or just about never if you are not lucky enough to be among the Save The Elephants team! I usually wake up at 7.15 am but today...

Samburu eco-camp…one of a kind

The Samburu research camp is not the regular kind of research ground you come across. With respect to efficiency and competence, the area carefully blends the four fundamental Rs of Research, Recreation, Restoration...

Re-collaring Matt

Last month, faithful Save the Elephants (STE) followers might remember that a large tusker named Matt gave us quite the scare when he lost his collar in Northern Kenya. Well, when I say, “lost his collar”, what I really mean is that he...

STE Launches its New Website

Part of STE’s mission is to promote man’s delight in the intelligence of elephants and the diversity of their world. To that end we are proud to announce the launch of our new website, a platform designed to help us share this awareness more...

Iain Douglas-Hamilton to Talk in London

Iain Douglas-Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Save the Elephants, will be in London on Wednesday 28 May to give a fascinating insight into the ivory poaching crisis and the grounds for his optimism about the future. The joint Tusk / STE event will be...