
Collars Galore!

I have been incredibly fortunate to assist with four collaring operations in three days, two on the 18th and two on the 21st. There have been several collars sitting in camp since I arrived, but unfortunately no vet to immobilize the target...

Night of the raiding elephants

The night of Friday, the tenth of January 2014, marked the first crop-raid of the season in the Mwakoma Village( Sagalla, Voi). I can’t say whether it was lucky or unlucky that we were around to witness the event, but it was good that we were...

Interning at Save The Elephants

January 11, 2014 My name is Sarah and I arrived at the camp two days ago for a one month internship with STE. I am in my second year of the Master’s program in Behavioural Ecology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. For my thesis I am...

My first night out with the bees

On the last day that Carley and I were on site by ourselves, I was about to crack. Balancing camp life (no, not glamping) with maintaining construction projects that produce an aesthetic and professional product was exhausting to say the least.I had...


In the bush of Kenya, certain tools and materials can be in short supply. Whether it's out of the budget or simply doesn't exist in the local shops, many construction workers, farmers, landscapers, and families have to make do with what they have....

News And Publications Quote


Hair in Rain

Voi is a friendly little town just outside of Tsavo East National Park. It's our little bit of civilization that we escape to and get supplies from while camping in Mwakoma. The people are welcoming and not too pushy. If one store doesn't have what...

Pangas and jembes

"Tara Tromper" is a name that was given to me by a co-conspirator of the field for my high work ethic and intense drive. I have nothing on the men and women of Tsavo. In fact, I've never felt so useless in my entire life.On Tuesday, December 10, Dr....

Microsoft Billionaire Funds Pan-African Aerial Census

One of the founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen, has pledged to fund an Africa-wide aerial survey to establish how many elephants remain on the continent. Many indicators show elephant populations across Africa plummeting, and many estimates are...