© Robbie Labanowski

Emergency Wildlife Vet Care

Donate today

Donate today to help wildlife thrive in Northern Kenya

When an elephant is injured, a lion is snared, or a zebra needs urgent care, you can be the reason they get a second chance.

The KWS Northern Kenya Wildlife Vet Unit, supported by Save the Elephants, Ewaso Lions and Grevy’s Zebra Trust, rushes to the aid of elephants, lions, zebras, and other wildlife in urgent need—treating injuries, fitting tracking collars for conservation, and saving lives.

Your gift today will help provide emergency medical care to wildlife in need. Donate today and be a hero for wildlife.

Donating from the US?

Use the link below to send your gift in USD via our U.S fiscal sponsor; Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN). Please be assured that 100% of your gift will be passed on to Save the Elephants.

Donate in USD