

The Global March for elephants and rhinos had been hyped for months now, and come October 4th 2014, wildlife enthusiasts in 136 cities and towns across six continents marched in what is said to be the biggest global wildlife protest ever. The...

Tsavo Tuskers dealing with a modern Africa

Tsavo Tusker coded LU1 and friends showing the challenges of living in a modern Africa. Here they are crossing the Mombasa Road on the 4th October 2014. Filmed by Richard Moller of the Tsavo...

Treating Lomunyak

In the last few months Samburu has, thankfully, been very quiet. Poaching incidents and wounded elephants sightings have been rare, though we occasionally hear of incidents far to the west in Oldonyiro area and around Mukokodo forest. 3rd October...

New York Meetings Grow Coalition

A series of meetings in New York in late September have further cemented the growing global coalition to save elephants.During a speech the Annual Summit (which you can view here) convened by the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), President Ali Bongo...

Little Miracles

Today, my blog is not about elephants. Well… it’s not just about elephants. The day was young but the sun was already a fierce burning ball in the blue, blue sky above camp. Everyone had gathered for chai (tea, or more broadly, breakfast)...

Collaring elephants on Mount Kenya

In 2010/2011 ten collars were deployed in Mount Kenya at the height of the poaching crisis to see what was happening on the mountain. However, within half a year around three quarters of the collared elephants had been poached. This was when we knew...

Introducing Dr. Ben Okita

Dr Benson Okita-Ouma, PhD., MBS. (Ben or Okita) holds a Bachelor degree in wildlife management from Moi University, Kenya; A Masters degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom, and is a Doctor of Philosophy...

Bush Safety

As the human population increases, the amount of space left for wildlife is decreasing. Human beings are now living in closer proximity to wildlife and more often encounter conflict due to competition for space and resources. This conflict has...

Of lawmakers, drones and elephants

So, to the next update from the depths of elephant country. We’ve certainly had some excitement here over the past days. The camp has been honoured by a visit from lawmaker Dr. Elizabeth Quat from Hong Kong, seen an influx from the team in...

For the love of elephants

Hey! My name is Nina and I’m one of the international interns at STE Samburu camp. Having grown up in neighbouring Tanzania where I was raised on high doses of sunshine, tropical beaches and frequent, if dusty, safaris, I thought I was prepared...