
Orphan elephant collaring

STE’s PhD researcher Shifra Goldenburg has been conducting much of her research on the behaviour of orphaned elephants and their interactions with other members of their family. To add more depth and detail to her study, a few orphans were chosen...

Finding My Feet

My name is Corin Gallagher, and I am 19. I was born in Hong-Kong but brought up in South-West London. I will in October begin an English Literature degree at the University of Bristol, having taken this year as a gap year. Along with conservation, I...

Why should we care

I am watching an elephant, amused by the way it twirls its trunk around the grass to feed, humoured by the way a calf is chasing impala, amazed at a friendly touching of trunks as one greets a newcomer, and curious about what I am also missing in...


Hamjambo! I am one of the interns of June 2013. I am British/American, born in Kenya, but have been calling Uganda home since 1996 and Tanzania before that. I completed an undergraduate degree from the University of Sussex, majoring in Ecology and...

Drone trial

It was 7pm on the 28th May, and around two dozen wardens of differing seniority had assembled at Oliphants Reserve in the ANPR west of Kruger National Park to witness the trial of conservation’s most-hyped new technology: drones. The moon was...

Ominous Reminder

The elephants have become so used to the Save The Elephants vehicle that they feel barely any threat by it. They continue feeding/mating/playing as normal, and usually ignore the car completely. Sometimes they come up and explore; reaching trunks...


Samburu has the most beautiful skies I have every seen. The ever changing winds bring in clouds of impossible shape and size giving the horizon an ever changing beauty.  weird shaped cloud   Sometimes the clouds look so comical it is as though...

Animal Angles

Spending so many hours out in the field means I have a lot of time to try to capture animals in interesting positions!This gerenuk had been reaching out for the juicy leaves for a good 5minutes before deciding a stretch was needed! Elephants spend...

Help…or Harm?

I count myself very lucky to have been here for Li Bingbings visit. Hers and the visit by Xinhua have resulted in my own realizations. It is so easy to read an article about poaching and feel learned in the situation at hand, or to hear the name of...


Kenya’s new President, Uhuru Kenyatta has come out, guns blazing, pledging to “strike a decisive blow” against all those who threaten the environment.In his inaugural speech on the 9th of April, the President stated categorically, “My fellow...