
Too Close for Comfort

3:43AM Sunday morning and I awake from a very strange dream. As custom, I reach for my phone to write down some keywords that will trigger a memory of the dream once I wake so that I can write it down. This is not odd for me. What is odd is that I...

Reaching out to the Chinese

When it comes to discussions about the current elephant poaching crisis, China is often a word that looms large. Demand for ivory in the world’s most populous nation has driven the price to record levels, making elephant tusks a sought-after...

Mapping the Human Footprint

Since 1998, Save the Elephants' analysis of data from GPS collared elephants has shown that elephants spend significant amounts of time outside of protected areas. Many elephants use parks and reserves less than 50% of the time they have been...

Poachers invade the safe haven of Buffalo Springs Reserve

Ever since Save the Elephants began tracking elephants we’ve known that they’re very aware where they are safe. Although Kenya’s National Parks and Reserves are not fenced, you can see by their movements that they don’t want to move outside...

Oiling The Wheels of Justice for Wildlife Crime

With demand for ivory surging in the Far East, more and more people are being caught trying to smuggle ivory out of Kenya. Police, the Kenya Wildlife Service, port and customs officials are working hard to stop the criminals in their tracks before...


Jerenimo Lepirei is the STE name on everyone’s lips. Hailing from sleepy Archers post in Samburu, Jerenimo is determined to charge through as leader in conservation. After four years proving himself as a dynamic and resourceful research...

Heritage, RIP

Heritage was a bull who was collared as part of Save the Elephants’ collaboration with the Mara Elephant Project. His movements were helping reveal for the first time how the Maasai Mara’s bull elephants use their environment. This information...

Ngampit and Cirrocumulus

Cirrocumulus was an exceptional elephant. Almost 2.5 meters at the shoulder and wearing long and full tusks, she looked older than 23. She was the only breeding female left from a small family called the Clouds 2. Cirrocumulus had one calf, a...

A look back

On my way back home to the USA, I reflected on my time in Kenya with the Elephants and Bees Project and Save The Elephants...That was the craziest, most random, and challenging adventure I've ever had in my life. The majority of my time there, I had...

Significant progress for elephants at CITES

Contrary to many media reports, the news for elephants was generally positive.CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that...