
Swimming Lessons

During the last few days light rains have provided a welcome respite from the heat in Samburu. However this has meant that the river has become swollen with rainwater, and although it has not risen much (nothing compared to March’s floods anyway),...

Where the wild things are

In Samburu even going on a routine Long Term Monitoring (LTM) survey of elephants can be a huge adventure. David Daballen, our camp manager, and I set out yesterday evening to monitor the elephants living on the other side of the river. We had...

Creature Comforts

Camp life can present some unique challenges to overcome, such as inescapable heat, tent-raiding monkeys and the ever-present danger of snakes. However these unique challenges require unique solutions.We have a  resident hawksbill, named...

Tranquilize, and work quickly

My name is Mat Beckwith; I am finishing my studies at high school in England, and will have the privilege to be attached to Save The Elephants as an intern for the entire month of July. I have had so many experiences in the past few days that each...

My last Blog

This blog will be more of a legitimate wrap up of the past month, just to let everyone know what we at the STE camp were up to.My job at camp was to wade through the immobilization records for the past 10 years. I matched every paper copy with the...

Interning at Save the Elephants- Kathleen Hopkins

Hey guys. I’m so sorry that it’s the end of the month and my time here at STE, and I’m just now writing an intern blog. This month has sped by, and I can’t believe that I’m about to head home in just 4 days.Since this was my first time in...

Thank you! Emergency flood relief fundraising target achieved

We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed so generously to the rebuilding of our research facility, destroyed by flooding on March 4th, 2010. Due to the tremendous and overwhelming support of our friends and donors especially in the...

STE Research Camp Flooding – Two months on

We are pleased to report that much progress has been made in rebuilding and reequipping our research centre in Samburu, following its destruction by the surging flood waters of the Ewaso River on March 4th, 2010. We owe our progress to the...

Back in the city after two months of bushwork – Last Blog

It is finally over now, after two months of working, living and laughing in the bush we have arrived back in Nairobi at the STE Head-office. We can’t help but feeling that we have left a place which we were fortunate enough to call our home, with...

Only one more week left!

After finishing our transect we are now fully occupied by our focal study on the diet of elephants. This means following around a family each morning and each afternoon for about three hours and recording what they are eating. This way we are really...