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News, stories, press releases
- World-class Elephant Centre Launches in Northern Kenya
- African Elephants Face Severe Decline Over Past Half-Century
- Study: Beehive Fences Reduce Elephant Conflict.
- The Royals’ Remarkable Journey to Oldonyiro: A Testament to the Importance of Wildlife Corridors
- Empowering Young Conservationists
- Helping Children Save The Elephants
- Friday’s are for Farm Club!
- Nature’s Changing Technology In Sagalla Village
- Impact of the Girls’ Club Training
- Cultivating Ambassadors for Elephants!
- How beehive fences help reduce human-elephant conflict in Sagalla.
- Benefits of Save the Elephants to the Sagalla Community
- Setting up an organic smelly repellent fence
- The Water Promise – A story told on the banks of Lake Jipe
- The Hidden Elephants
- Two methods helping with living in harmony with elephants
- Art in Conservation
- Sagalla Farmers Beekeeping Training
- Linking Conservation to Community Health
- Forging Futures in Conservation Careers
- Like Us, Elephants Have Names Too!
- An Adventurer and a Teacher
- The Elephant Queen: How a wildlife documentary inspired rural Kenya
- Mystery of Tuskless Male African Elephant Leaves Scientists Puzzled
- An abrupt end to the jumbo life of iconic bull elephant, Edison
- Helping Communities To Coexist With Elephants
- The Community That Lives With Elephants
- Unravelling the intricacies of wild elephant diets
- Hot testicles may hold secret to anti-cancer genes
- Distribution of reusable menstrual pads to school girls in Westgate School
- On The Frontline
- Honouring and remembering a fallen colleague
- Elephants make for good ‘neighbours’ in the savannah ecosystem
- Mountain Bull
- The Elephant in the Town
- Rare footage shows forest elephant fleeing bee sounds
- A tribute to two iconic friends
- Elephants choose direct path to favourite food
- The Mara Elephant Project
- Judging Wildlife
- Taking Stock
- Creating Elephant Ambassadors (Mobile Education)
- Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
- Stop Demand
- The Desert Elephants of Mali
- Tsavo Aerial Defence
- STE and Google Earth
- Elephant Accelerometers
- Geo-Fencing
- Save The Elephants At CITES COP19 in Panama!
- Calls for compensation intensify as human-wildlife conflict increases in Zimbabwe
- Government says it remains committed to banning hunting trophies (England)
- Elephant protector and fossil hunter Richard Leakey leaves outsized legacy in Kenya
- U.S. curbs visas for eight alleged wildlife traffickers in Congo
- First guidelines and suggested best protocol for surveying African elephants (Loxodonta africana) using a drone
- Albino elephant is left with facial scars like Joker after she was caught in a barbaric snare for four days in South Africa
- Liberia expands a key elephant park again, this time with help of locals
- Into the wild: The contrasting stories of Africa’s wildlife (Namibia)
- Namibia records 57 poaching cases in 2019
- Murder case update given (Tanzania)
- Jumbo undertaking: Elephant milk under the microscope
- Tooth and Nail: The Fight for Species in a World of Wildlife Crime
- Effective response to poachers menace vital (Zimbabwe)
- Vietnam seizes two tonnes of ivory and pangolin scales
- Elephants’ Trunks Are Like Super-Strong Gumby Arms
- Fugitive found with 12 elephant tusks at rural home (Zimbabwe)
- Drought ignites human-wildlife conflict (Zimbabwe)
- ‘Ivory queen’ loses appeal (Tanzania)
- Tourists’ safari selfies get lots of likes … from poachers
- Jane Goodall: Why the Battle to Save Africa’s Wildlife Must Be Won
- Newborn elephant calf found in world’s oldest desert a ‘Christmas miracle’ (Namibia)
- Elephant herd sighted in Nigeria’s Boko Haram warzone
- Nigeria launches appeal to safeguard elephants in warzone
- Central African experts meet over anti-poaching drive
- Thailand Named Top Destination for Chinese Seeking Ivory
- Kenyan policemen arrest suspects with 73kg of ivory
- Proposed road to cut through Aberdares Forest opposed (Kenya)
- Automatic elephant gates closing in on human-wildlife conflict (Kenya)
- Botswana strives to remain leader in natural resources conservation: Minister
- What Elephants Teach Us About Consumption and Extinction
- ‘Future of Gabon’ at Stake in Counterpoaching Fight
- Bringing water to Kenya‘s drought-stricken wildlife
- Seven Worlds One Planet left viewers outraged after poachers put elephants at risk of extinction
- Ivory man jailed for two years (South Africa)
- Interpol gathers experts in Singapore for conference on wildlife crime
- Meru man captured on video killing elephant arraigned (Kenya)
- Tigers, elephants and pangolins suffer as global wildlife trafficking soars
- Towers of ivory” Does Japan have an ivory problem? It’s complicated.
- Mozambique poachers handed 16 year prison sentences
- This Rare Baby Elephant was Born Pink Because of Albinism, But is Surviving Against All Odds (Kenya)
- Four new airports add their names to Buckingham Palace Declaration
- Chinese officials show off haul of smuggled ivory seized in Guangxi province
- West Africa: Regional biodiversity observatory established
- Surly elephants and human teens not so different, says biologist
- CITES decision to cost SADC
- Elephant scientists unite to urge Zimbabwe and China on ban
- Russia gifts guns to Gabon to fight elephant poaching
- Namibia records 51 poaching cases this year
- Botswana drafts drought management strategy as climate change hit where it hurts most
- Young elephants were taken from their mothers in Zimbabwe. Now they’re in cages in China
- ‘Better than culling’: Zimbabwe defends elephant exports
- Traffickers sentenced to jail for marketing elephant tusks in Benin
- Smart tech combats poaching at Gonarezhou (Zimbabwe)
- Kenyan brothers on Interpol wanted list
- Botswana vows to build capacity to counter wildlife poaching, trafficking
- Mozambique’s newly empowered rangers, courts catch up with poachers, loggers
- WWF says African elephants will be extinct by 2040 if we don’t act right away
- Ma hails newest class of African ranger awardees (Ghana)
- Wildlife-loving Gabon minister seeks to stamp out illegal logging
- Africa must take the lead on animal rights
- To save wildlife, African governments turn to private management
- Five more sniffer dogs set for deployment at JNIA (Tanzania)
- Online tool speeds response to elephant poaching by tracing ivory to source
- The economics of saving Kenya’s elephants
- Botswana to set up boreholes to save drought-stricken elephants
- First Female Head of Conservation for Addo Elephant National Park (South Africa)
- Jumbo-sized blow for Sadc ivory trade push
- Court fines trio Sh1m each over illegal sale of elephant tusks (Kenya)
- Celebrated tusker Matt dies in Kenya
- Elephants under Attack Have an Unlikely Ally: Artificial Intelligence
- International task force to target money laundering in illegal wildlife trade
- Malawi government hails jail sentences on wildlife criminals
- Holding social media companies accountable for facilitating illegal wildlife trade (Commentary)
- ‘The Elephant Queen’ Review: Magnificent Images of Majestic Animals
- DRC’s Okapi Wildlife Reserve gets new management partner in WCS
- Death of Nairobi National Park: Why wildlife risks being wiped out
- ‘I’m here to save Mother Nature’ – meet the man battling poachers in Zambia
- Southern African countries to meet over anti-poaching drive: Official
- Zimbabwe says 55 elephants have starved to death in 2 months
- Botswana defends elephant hunting
- Ivory Coast law could see chocolate industry ‘wipe out’ protected forests
- Chinese national arrested at JKIA with ivory weighing 60 grams (Kenya)
- Artificial intelligence helps rangers protect endangered wildlife
- Gonarezhou elephants surpass carrying capacity (Zimbabwe)
- Expansion of a famous elephant park holds out hope for Africa’s big tuskers (South Africa)
- Zimbabwe to Send Baby Elephants to China in Defiance of International Resolution
- The makers of ‘The Elephant Queen’ got down in the mud and up in the air
- Export of elephants under review (Namibia)
- ‘Want to tackle climate change? See the world from an elephant’s perspective’ – in conversation with Saba Douglas-Hamilton
- Global wildlife trade higher than was thought
- Two arraigned over 100 ivory pieces (Namibia)
- Fight against wildlife trafficking gets boost (Namibia)
- Six Yankari Games Reserve elephants get tracking devices (Nigeria)
- Poachers believed responsible for fire in Kenya’s Aberdare Forest
- EarthRanger program widens focus from elephant killers to cross-species diplomacy
- North China customs seize 63 ivory products
- A mouse or an elephant: what species fights infection more effectively?
- Prince Harry unveils new conservation initiative (Malawi)
- Gabon could earn up to $150 million for forest conservation
- With Ivory Ban at Home, More Chinese Are Buying Abroad
- The near-impossible task of moving 520 elephants across a country (Malawi)
- ‘Science on climate crisis is undeniable’, Prince Harry says
- Fewer Chinese intend to buy ivory products: survey
- Italy in anti-poaching drive (Zimbabwe)
- Apple is working to restore African grasslands to curb climate change (and save the elephants)
- African Parks Uses Tracking to Combat Poaching and Protect Animals
- Botswana Issues Elephant Hunting Licenses, First Since 2014
- Two Chinese men convicted in Malawi for ivory trafficking
- Shops warned over illegal sales of ivory products (Cambodia)
- Malawi joins UN convention for protecting migratory species
- Illicit finance flows must cease to protect our wildlife heritage (Kenya)
- Anti-poachers armed with guns and dogs are battling the illegal rhino trade in Africa. They’re ready to kill for it.
- How the ‘Ivory Queen’ trial gave Tanzania global pride
- Maasai warrior hopes to see end to Chinese obsession with rhino horn, ivory (Kenya)
- Nigeria, China partner to curb illegal wildlife trade
- Beehive fences can help mitigate human-elephant conflict
- Ivory and rhino horn sale ban could be undermined by exemptions for antiques, conservationist warns (Australia)
- Police deploy 280 anti-poaching officers into national parks (Namibia)
- Money Laundering and the Illegal Wildlife Trade: Financial Action at Last?
- It’s Not a Numbers Game
- A community adds a mother’s touch to help orphaned elephants (Kenya)
- How elephant declines are affecting African forests
- With Elephant Ivory Banned, a Brisk and Worrying Trade in Mammoth Tusks
- It’s time to break the deadlock over Africa’s ivory trade: Here’s how
- Japan’s top e-commerce site to end ivory sales amid evidence of smuggling to China
- Debunking myths about the impact of elephants on large trees
- Eritrea becomes 20th member of the Elephant Protection Initiative
- Only 300 elephants in Nigeria’s wildlife — Conservation Foundation
- CITES: Elephant ivory ban upheld, but legal loopholes remain
- Pressure mounting on EU to end ivory trade
- African elephants demonstrate movements that vary in response to ecological change
- Mozambique’s elephant population stabilizes
- Kenya’s wildlife protectors scoop top honors in Geneva
- Woolly mammoths are extinct. Here’s why they may be considered ‘endangered.’
- Africa: China Is Proving Key to Reducing Africa’s Wildlife Trafficking
- Ban on sending wild elephants to zoos a step closer
- The Thick Gray Line: Forest Elephants Defend Against Climate Change
- Seizures of ivory smuggled from Japan increase in China: research
- To mark World Elephant Day, Singapore announces it will ban the sale of ivory from 2021
- Elephant protection debate to dominate conservation meeting
- How protecting extinct woolly mammoths could help save the elephant
- From Africa to Vietnam: the flow of ivory is relentless
- Why hasn’t Canada banned the elephant ivory trade?
- Famous Canadians Are Demanding An #IvoryFreeCanada & Their Tweets Are So Powerful
- Kenya to construct evidence storage facility to boost prosecution of poachers
- Elephant Path: A Story of Hope and War in CAR
- Banks must help stop illegal wildlife trade
- Kenya launches “Ivory Trade is a Rip Off” campaign
- South Sudan tries to protect wildlife after long conflict
- Scientists want to make it a war crime to damage the environment in a conflict
- Increasing value of ivory poses major threat to elephant populations
- Scientists monitoring possible spread of TB in elephants (South Africa)
- Tip-off from China led to massive ivory seizure (Singapore)
- Singapore seizes record haul of smuggled elephant ivory
- New Wildlife Act 2019 sets tough terms for encroachers (Uganda)
- Congo government opens Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park to oil exploration
- Human-elephant conflict: Can we coexist in peace? (Kenya)
- Cocoa and gunshots: The struggle to save a threatened forest in Nigeria
- Lilongwe Wildlife Trust in anti wildlife crimes drive (Malawi)
- At this rate the African elephant will be extinct in 11 years’: conservation tech lab
- The most underused tools in fighting wildlife poaching in Africa are its beloved national soccer teams
- Elephant extinction in Africa would ‘speed up climate crisis by letting more greenhouse gases escape’
- Treat wildlife trafficking like drugs trade
- Wildlife Traffickers Use Facebook, Instagram to Find Black-Market Buyers
- Most widespread wildlife crime raid ever sweeps across more than 100 countries
- Tanzania says elephant, rhino populations rebounding after anti-poaching crackdown
- Humans ‘must be better neighbours’ to save elephants
- Namibia records 26 poaching cases this year
- Future of wildlife under new deal
- Two suspects arrested in Nairobi with elephant tusks and ammunition
- How did elephants evolve such a large brain? Climate change is part of the answer
- The older you get, the harder you seek: The mating secrets of Africa’s bull elephants
- Poachers just lying low, says TANAPA (Tanzania)
- How Africa’s largest Cold War battlefield could become an elephant sanctuary (Angola)
- Tanzania Chooses Energy over the Environment
- Time to place people at the heart of solving the wildlife crisis
- Toolkit guides African governments to multiply earnings from national parks
- Chinese enterprises in Uganda pledge to conserve environment, fight illegal trade in wildlife
- Miles Geldard appointed CEO of anti-ivory lobby group, EPI
- 500 vultures die in Botswana after eating poisoned elephants
- Tanzania shines in wildlife protection drive
- Customs intercept elephant tusks mailed from Japan
- CITES to move wildlife trade summit from Colombo to Geneva this August
- Gabon’s forest elephants get a helping hand
- Understanding social structure is important to rewilding
- New EU-funded project aims to disrupt wildlife cybercrime
- Vietnam seizes 7.5 tons of elephant ivory, pangolin scales
- How Prince William helped U.S. agents bust a major wildlife and drug smuggling network
- Feds: African ring smuggled rhinoceros horns, ivory into US
- Zero elephants poached in a year in top Africa wildlife park (Mozambique)
- Conservationist made MBE for combatting illegal wildlife trade in Africa
- Elephants walk more direct paths under risk of poaching
- How strong is Africa’s last elephant stronghold? (Botswana)
- A solution to the ivory trade conundrum: Buy it and burn it
- Wildlife products ban lifted (Tanzania)
- British biologist Lee White given cabinet post to save Gabon’s wildlife
- Chinese customs seize ivory product
- Phalaborwa: Where wild animals roam the streets (South Africa)
- Zimbabwe May Withdraw From Endangered-Species Deal to Sell $300 Million of Ivory
- Human Settlements Encroach Into Elephants’ Migration Corridor (Kenya)
- Mozambique to receive around 3,000 wild animals this year
- Elephants May Sniff Out Quantities with Their Noses
- These Women Risk Their Lives To Save Rhinos And Elephants From Poachers
- Doutzen Kroes has a new purpose and it has nothing to do with the runway
- Namibia confiscates 16 tusks in anti-poaching operation
- African elephant poaching has declined, but study warns they are still vulnerable
- A Former Military Operative Sets Sights on Poachers
- Nearly 7.5 tonnes of smuggled ivory tusks seized in Guangdong (China)
- Why Early Humans Were Breaking Elephant Bones a Million Years Ago
- Chinese customs seizes over 300 kg of smuggled ivory
- Where humans suffer, so do elephants
- Tianjin customs intercepts over 135 items of ivory (China)
- KWS says SGR affecting wildlife movement in Tsavo (Kenya)
- Humans causing shrinking of nature as larger animals die off
- Africa’s elephant poaching rates in decline, but iconic animal still under threat
- SADC braces for tough CITES meeting . . . as COP 18 might be moved from Sri Lanka
- Money laundering and the illegal wildlife trade
- Chinese customs seize 350 kg of smuggled ivory
- Seizures of ivory trafficked from Japan escalate
- Zimbabwe: Anthrax suspected in the deaths of elephants, buffaloes and other wildlife
- Chad: Noé association delegated to manage Binder-Léré reserve
- Chinese customs seize over 100 ivory products in Q1
- Sam Wasser pours his intense passion for protecting wildlife into research and catching poachers
- Uganda and Congo in bid to combat wildlife crimes
- Over 7,000 kg of ivory products seized in south China’s Guangdong Province
- Chinese animal activist fights to expose ivory trade industry
- Data in a snap: Size, age and condition of elephants can be pulled out of photographs
- Nature conservation projects marred by human rights violations (Congo Basin)
- China, Vietnam to strengthen cooperation against wildlife smuggling
- Sustained poaching threatening survival of African elephants
- Humans have always played a part in the extinction of large herbivores
- New scanning technology may be adopted to combat illegal wildlife trade: Sun Xueling (Singapore)
- Israel moots proposal to regulate trade in mammoth ivory
- Mining firms conduits of Wildlife crimes—report (Malawi)
- Building tolerance towards elephants through empowering local communities
- Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth’s natural life
- Southern African countries push to be allowed to trade in ivory
- Delivery companies sign pact against services for illegal wildlife trade
- Malaysia torches nearly four tonnes of ivory
- Stockpile theft blamed for illegal wildlife trade surge in SE Asia
- African nations call for an end to ivory ban
- At least 28 hippos found dead in Ethiopia’s national park
- Community buy-in stamps out elephant poaching in Zambian park
- Japan is still hungry for ivory. The reason is a personal stamp called a hanko.
- Conservationists urge EU, Japan to ban trade in ivory to save African elephant
- Ivory Seizures in China Soar Despite Ban
- How machine learning can help fight illegal wildlife trade on social media
- Cash to combat illegal poaching and trade of wildlife in developing countries
- Chinese customs officers seize more than 7 tonnes of ivory in record haul
- Dubai Police intercept 1,346kg of ivory
- Crop use structures resource selection strategies for African elephants in a human-dominated landscape
- EarthRanger: An open-source platform for ecosystem monitoring, research and management
- Local rainfall is more likely than distant thunderstorms to affect movement behaviour in Northern Kenyan elephants
- Seasonal variation in the ranging behavior of elephants in the Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem
- Structured decision-making shows broad support from diverse stakeholders for habitat conservation and restoration in Kenya’s Central Highlands
- Female African elephant rumbles differ between populations and sympatric social groups
- Elephants rest more when the poaching risk is high and do not recover the lost time within a diel cycle
- Survey-based inference of continental African elephant decline
- Impact of drought and development on the effectiveness of beehive fences as elephant deterrents over 9 years in Kenya
- Thermal stress, p53 structures and learning from elephants
- Adrenal and metabolic hormones demonstrate risk–reward trade-offs for African elephants foraging in human-dominated landscapes
- African Elephant Alarm Calls Distinguish between Threats from Humans and Bees
- African honeybees as a mitigation method for elephant impact on trees
- Minimal effect of honey beehive fences on native bee diversity and abundance at the farm scale during the dry season in southern Kenya
- Exploring seasonal variation in the faecal glucocorticoid concentrations of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) living in a drought-prone, anthropogenic landscape
- African elephants address one another with individually specific name-like calls
- The Elephant Queen: Can a nature documentary help to increase tolerance towards elephants?
- A possible case of congenital tusklessness in a male African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
- On the ecology and behaviour of the African elephant: The elephants of Lake Manyara
- Foraging history of individual elephants using DNA metabarcoding
- Uncoupling Elephant TP53 and Cancer
- Africa’s Drylands In A Changing World: Challenges For Wildlife Conservation Under Climate And Land-Use Changes In The Greater Etosha Landscape. Global Ecology And Conservation
- A Global Community-Sourced Assessment Of The State Of Conservation Technology
- Orphaning Stunts Growth In Wild African Elephants.
- Social Integration Of Translocated Wildlife: A Case Study Of Rehabilitated And Released Elephant Calves In Northern Kenya
- Precipitation, Vegetation Productivity, And Human Impacts Control Home Range Size Of Elephants In Dryland Systems In Northern Namibia.
- Simple Metrics To Characterize Inter-Individual And Temporal Variation In Habitat Selection Behaviour (2022)
- Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinel-2A in Sagalla, Kenya (2022)
- Drivers and facilitators of the illegal killing of elephants across 64 African sites (2023)
- Breeding Phenology In Relation To Ndvi Variability In Free-ranging African Elephant (2007)
- Disentangling The Effects Of Forage, Social Rank And Risk On Movement Autocorrelation Of Elephants Using Fourier And Wavelet Analysis. (2008)
- Where Sociality And Relatedness Diverge: The Genetic Basis For Hierarchical Social Structure In African Elephants. (2009)
- Illegal Killing For Ivory Drives Global Decline In African Elephants (2014)
- Graph Theory Illustrates Spatial And Temporal Features That Structure Elephant Rest Locations And Reflect Risk Perception (2017)
- A Likely Ranking Interpolation For Resolving Dominance Orders In Systems With Unknown Relationships. (2006)
- Hierarchical Dominance Structure And Social Organization In African Elephants, Loxodonta Africana. (2007
- The Impact Of Ecological Variability On The Reproductive Endocrinology Of Wild Female African Elephants. (2007
- The Socioecology Of Elephants: Analysis Of The Processes Creating Multitiered Social Structures. (2005)
- Demographic Status Of Elephants In The Samburu And Buffalo Springs National Reserves, Kenya. (2005)
- Rising Ivory Prices Threaten Elephants. (2011)
- Comparative Demography Of An At-risk African Elephant Population. (2013)
- Differential Influence Of Human Impacts On Age-specific Demography Underpins Trends In An African Elephant Population (2021)
- Establishing Chronologies From Isotopic Profiles In Serially Collected Animal Tissues: An Example Using Tail Hairs From African Elephants. (2009)
- Stemming Wildlife Poaching. (2015)
- The Socio-ecology Of The African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) (2005)
- The Elephant Population Of The Samburu And Buffalo Springs National Reserves, Kenya. (2001)
- The Socio-ecology Of The African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) (2005)
- Effects Of Economic Downturns On Mortality Of Wild African Elephants. (2011)
- High-resolution Tracking Technology Reveals Distinct Patterns In Nocturnal Crop Raiding Behaviour Of An African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) In Amboseli, Kenya (2018)
- Impacts Of Elephant Crop-raiding On Subsistence Farmers And Approaches To Reduce Human- Elephant Farming Conflict In Sagalla, Kenya (2018)
- Extracting Identifying Contours For African Elephants And Humpback Whales Using A Learned Appearance Model (2020)
- Elephants, Ivory, .and Trade (2010)
- Elliptical Time-density Model To Estimate Wildlife Utilization Distributions. (2014)
- Human Footprint And Protected Areas Shape Elephant Range Across Africa (2021)
- Characterizing Properties And Drivers Of Long Distance Movements By Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) In The Gourma, Mali. (2013)
- Novel Opportunities For Wildlife Conservation And Research With Real-time Monitoring. (2014)
- Elephants Avoid Costly Mountaineering. (2006)
- African Bees To Control African Elephants. (2002)
- Trunks, tracks And Spiders’ Webs. (2007)
- Buôn Lau Ngà Voi O Viet Nam Dang De Doa Toi Voi Châu Phi. (2016)
- The Ivory Trade Of Laos: Now The Fastest Growing In The World (2017)
- Decline In The Legal Ivory Trade In China In Anticipation Of A Ban (2017)
- China Faces A Conservation Challenge: The Expanding Elephant And Mammoth Ivory Trade In Beijing And Shanghai (2014)
- Vietnam’s Illegal Ivory Trade Threatens Africa’s Elephants. (2016)
- Myanmar’s Growing Illegal Ivory Trade With China (2018)
- Beehive Fences As A Sustainable Local Solution To Human‐elephant Conflict In Thailand (2020)
- Bomb-curve Radiocarbon Measurement Of Recent Biologic Tissues And Applications To Wildlife Forensics And Stable Isotope (Paleo) Ecology. (2013)
- Forward And Inverse Methods For Extracting Climate And Diet Information From Stable Isotope Profiles In Proboscidean Molars (2020)
- Long-term Monitoring Of Dzanga Bai Forest Elephants: Forest Clearing Use Patterns. (2013)
- Slow Intrinsic Growth Rate In Forest Elephants Indicates Recovery From Poaching Will Require Decades (2016)
- Moving In The Anthropocene: Global Reductions In Terrestrial Mammalian Movements (2018)
- Movement Tortuosity And Speed Reveal The Trade-offs Of Crop Raiding For African Elephants (2020)
- The Elephant In The Farm: Long-term Solutions Are The Key To Coexistence (2021)
- “Smelly” Elephant Repellent: Assessing The Efficacy Of A Novel Olfactory Approach To Mitigating Elephant Crop Raiding In Uganda And Kenya (2022)
- Changing Seasonal, Temporal And Spatial Crop-raiding Trends Over 15 Years In A Human-elephant Conflict Hotspot (2021)
- The Status Of Kenya’s Elephants 1990–2002. (2002)
- Movement Reveals Reproductive Tactics In Male Elephants (2019)
- Accelerometers In Collars Identify Behavioral States In Captive African Elephants Loxodonta Africana. (2012)
- Accelerometers And Simple Algorithms Identify Activity Budgets And Body Orientation In African Elephants Loxodonta Africana (2016)
- Differentiation In Mineral Constituents In Elephant Selected Versus Unselected Water And Soil Resources At Central African Bais (Forest Clearings) (2014)
- Mara Ecosystem Connectivity Information On Elephant Population Status And Movements For Spatial Planning And Conservation In Narok County (2016)
- Mesures Initiales Pour La Conservation Des Éléphants Du Gourma, Mali. (2004)
- Initial Measures For Conservation Of The Gourma Elephants, Mali. (2004)
- Save The Elephants/elephant Watch Scholarship Programme Booklet (2017)
- Living In Harmony With Elephants (2016)
- Fighting For Elephants. (2015)
- New Elephant Crisis In Asia—early Warning Signs From Myanmar (2018)
- Assessing The Potential Impact Of Climate Variability And Anthropological Activities On Honey Bee Fodder Plants In Sagalla, Taita Taveta County, Kenya (2018)
- Distribution And Status Of Elephants In West Africa. (1991)
- Chemosignaling Of Musth By Individual Wild African Elephants, (Loxodonta Africana): Implications For Conservation And Management. (2002)
- Predicting Time-specific Changes In Demographic Processes Using Remote-sensing Data. (2006)
- Estimating Age Of Immobilized Elephants From Teeth Impressions Using Dental Silicon. (2005)
- Age – And Tactic-related Paternity Success In Male African Elephants. (2007)
- Estimating Elephant Densities From Wells And Droppings In Dried Out Riverbeds. (2005)
- Endocrine And Behavioral Changes In Male African Elephants: Linking Hormone Changes To Sexual State And Reproductive Tactics. (2008)
- Mating Strategies In The Male African Elephant, Loxodonta Africana. (2001)
- Reproductive Tactics Of Male African Savannah Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) (2005)
- Feasibility Study On The Spatial And Temporal Movement Of Samburu’s Cattle And Wildlife In Kenya Using Gps Radio-tracking, Remote Sensing And Gis. (2013)
- From Moonlight To Movement And Synchronized Randomness: Fourier And Wavelet Analyses Of Animal Location Time Series Data. (2010)
- A Framework For Understanding The Architecture Of Collective Movements Using Pairwise Analyses Of Animal Movement Data. (2010)